Add To Calendar In Mailchimp 2024

Import Your Customer Contacts Into Mailchimp Setmore
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Are you looking to add an event to your subscribers’ calendars using Mailchimp? With the new Mailchimp 2024 update, adding events to calendars has become even easier. In this article, we will discuss how to add events to calendars in Mailchimp 2024.

Step 1: Create the Event

First, create an event in Mailchimp by selecting the “Create Campaign” option and then choosing “Event” as the campaign type. Enter the event details such as name, date, time, and location. You can also add a description and an image for the event.

Step 2: Add the “Add to Calendar” Button

Once you have created the event, scroll down to the “Content” section and click on “Add Content”. In the dropdown menu, select “Add to Calendar” button. This will add a button to the email which subscribers can click to add the event to their calendar.

Step 3: Customize the Button

Customize the button by changing the text, color, and style to match your brand. You can also choose which calendars to support such as Google, Outlook, or iCal.

Step 4: Send the Campaign

Once you have customized the button, send the campaign to your subscribers. They can now click on the “Add to Calendar” button to add the event to their calendar.


Q: Can I add multiple events to one campaign?

Yes, you can add multiple events to one campaign. Simply follow the same steps for each event.

Q: Can subscribers edit the event details once added to their calendar?

Yes, subscribers can edit the event details once added to their calendar. However, any changes made will not be reflected in the original email.

Q: Which calendars are supported?

Mailchimp 2024 supports Google, Outlook, and iCal calendars.


Adding events to calendars has become even easier with Mailchimp 2024. By following these simple steps, you can create an event and add it to your subscribers’ calendars with just a few clicks. Customizing the “Add to Calendar” button to match your brand will also help increase engagement with your subscribers.

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