Basis Dc Calendar 2024-25 2024

2024 Calendar
2024 Calendar from


If you’re a resident of Washington, DC, or planning to visit the city soon, it’s essential to know about the Basis DC Calendar 2024-25. The calendar includes all the important dates, events, and holidays in the upcoming years. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the calendar and how it can help you plan your schedule accordingly.

What is Basis DC Calendar 2024-25?

The Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 is a comprehensive calendar that includes all the important dates and events in the District of Columbia. It covers the academic calendar for the Basis DC Public Charter School, which is one of the most renowned charter schools in the city.

What does the Calendar Include?

The calendar includes all the important dates, such as the first day of school, holidays, parent-teacher conferences, and end-of-term exams. It also includes the dates for various events, such as sports events, science fairs, and cultural events.

Where can you Find the Calendar?

The Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 is available on the official website of the Basis DC Public Charter School. You can also get a copy of the calendar from the school’s administration office or request a copy to be sent to you via mail.

Important Dates in the Basis DC Calendar 2024-25

First Day of School

The first day of school for the Basis DC Public Charter School for the academic year 2024-25 is August 19, 2024. It’s essential to mark this date on your calendar and plan accordingly to ensure that your child is prepared to start the new school year.


The calendar includes all the major holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. It also includes other holidays, such as Labor Day, Columbus Day, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

The Basis DC Public Charter School holds parent-teacher conferences twice a year. The dates for these conferences are in November and March. It’s essential to attend these conferences to get an update on your child’s progress and discuss any concerns with the teacher.

End-of-Term Exams

The end-of-term exams are held at the end of each term. The dates for these exams are included in the Basis DC Calendar 2024-25. It’s essential to plan accordingly and ensure that your child is prepared for these exams.


What is Basis DC Public Charter School?

Basis DC Public Charter School is a renowned charter school in Washington, DC. It’s known for its rigorous curriculum and high academic standards. The school has been ranked as one of the best charter schools in the country.

Why is the Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 important?

The Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 is important for parents, students, and teachers as it includes all the important dates, events, and holidays. It helps in planning the schedule and ensuring that everyone is prepared for the upcoming events.

Can I get a copy of the calendar?

Yes, you can get a copy of the Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 from the school’s administration office or request a copy to be sent to you via mail.

Are there any changes expected in the calendar?

The Basis DC Public Charter School reserves the right to make changes to the calendar if needed. It’s essential to check the official website for any updates or changes to the calendar.


The Basis DC Calendar 2024-25 is an important tool for parents, students, and teachers. It includes all the important dates, events, and holidays in the upcoming years. It’s essential to mark these dates on your calendar and plan accordingly to ensure that everyone is prepared for the upcoming events. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s best to contact the school’s administration office for assistance.

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