Chittenden County Family Court Calendar 2024

Court Calendars Nc Time Table
Court Calendars Nc Time Table from


If you’re a resident of Chittenden County in the state of Vermont, you may need to know about the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar for 2024. This calendar lists all the important dates for family court cases for the upcoming year, including hearings, trials, and conferences. Whether you’re involved in a family law case or just want to stay informed, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

What is the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar?

The Chittenden County Family Court Calendar is a document that lists all the important dates for family court cases in Chittenden County for the upcoming year. It includes dates for hearings, trials, and conferences, as well as other important events related to family law cases.

Who Needs the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar?

Anyone who is involved in a family law case in Chittenden County will need the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar. This includes people who are going through a divorce, child custody dispute, or other family law matter. The calendar is also useful for lawyers and other legal professionals who work with family law cases.

How to Access the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar

The Chittenden County Family Court Calendar is available online through the Vermont Judiciary website. You can access the calendar by visiting the website and clicking on the “Court Calendars” link. From there, you can select Chittenden County and the year 2024 to view the calendar.

What Information is Included on the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar?

The Chittenden County Family Court Calendar includes information about all the important dates for family court cases in Chittenden County for the year 2024. This includes dates for hearings, trials, and conferences, as well as other important events related to family law cases. The calendar also includes information about the judges and courtrooms where the cases will be heard.


Q: How often is the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar updated?

A: The Chittenden County Family Court Calendar is updated regularly throughout the year to reflect any changes or additions to the schedule. It’s important to check the calendar regularly to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.

Q: What should I do if I have a question about the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar?

A: If you have a question about the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar, you should contact the Chittenden County Family Court directly. They can provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have.

Q: What happens if I miss an important date on the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar?

A: If you miss an important date on the Chittenden County Family Court Calendar, it could have serious consequences for your case. You may miss out on the opportunity to present evidence or make arguments in your favor. It’s important to stay informed and keep track of all the important dates on the calendar.


The Chittenden County Family Court Calendar is an important resource for anyone involved in a family law case in Chittenden County. By staying informed about the important dates and events on the calendar, you can ensure that your case is handled fairly and efficiently. Be sure to check the calendar regularly and contact the court if you have any questions or concerns.

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