How Do I Remove Holidays From My Calendar 2024

How to Remove Holidays from Samsung Calendar Decortweaks
How to Remove Holidays from Samsung Calendar Decortweaks from


It’s the start of a new year, and you’re excited to fill up your calendar with all the important dates and events for the year. However, you notice that your calendar is already filled with holidays for the entire year, which can be overwhelming and confusing. If you want to simplify your calendar and remove holidays that don’t apply to you, this article will guide you through the process.

Why Remove Holidays?

There are many reasons why you may want to remove holidays from your calendar. For example, if you don’t celebrate certain holidays or if you live in a different country with different holidays, having them on your calendar can be irrelevant or even misleading. Removing holidays can also help you focus on the events that matter most to you and avoid clutter on your calendar.

How to Remove Holidays

Removing holidays from your calendar is a simple process that can be done in a few steps:

Step 1: Open Your Calendar

The first step is to open your calendar app or program. This can be on your computer, phone, or tablet, depending on where you keep your calendar.

Step 2: Locate the Holidays

Next, locate the holidays on your calendar. These are usually marked with special icons or colors to distinguish them from other events.

Step 3: Select the Holidays

Select the holidays that you want to remove from your calendar. You can do this by clicking on them or tapping on them, depending on your device.

Step 4: Delete the Holidays

Finally, delete the holidays by pressing the delete button or selecting the option to remove them from your calendar. The holidays should disappear from your calendar immediately.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I Remove All Holidays at Once?

A: Yes, most calendar apps and programs allow you to select all holidays at once and delete them in bulk. This can save you time if you want to remove all holidays from your calendar.

Q: What If I Want to Keep Some Holidays?

A: If you want to keep some holidays on your calendar, you can select the ones you want to keep and leave them untouched. Only remove the holidays that you don’t need or want on your calendar.


Removing holidays from your calendar can be a simple and effective way to simplify your schedule and focus on the events that matter most to you. With the steps outlined in this article, you can remove holidays from your 2024 calendar in no time, giving you a clear and organized view of the year ahead.

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