How To Add Expedia Trip To Calendar 2024

Adding Your Expedia Itinerary To Your Calendar Badian Hotel
Adding Your Expedia Itinerary To Your Calendar Badian Hotel from

How to Add Expedia Trip to Calendar 2024


Are you planning a trip in 2024 and have booked it through Expedia? Do you want to make sure that you don’t forget the dates of your trip? Adding your Expedia trip to your calendar can help you keep track of your travel plans and ensure that you don’t miss your flights. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding your Expedia trip to your calendar.

Step 1: Check Your Email

The first step to adding your Expedia trip to your calendar is to check your email. When you book a trip through Expedia, you will receive a confirmation email that contains all the details of your trip, including the dates, times, and flight numbers. Open this email and find the section that contains the trip details.

Step 2: Copy the Trip Details

Once you have found the section that contains your trip details, highlight all the information and copy it. You can do this by right-clicking on the text and selecting “Copy” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + C” (Windows) or “Command + C” (Mac).

Step 3: Open Your Calendar

Now that you have copied the trip details, it’s time to open your calendar. You can use any calendar app that you prefer, such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook. Open the calendar app on your computer or mobile device.

Step 4: Create a New Event

Once you have opened your calendar, create a new event. You can do this by clicking on the “New Event” or “Add Event” button, depending on the calendar app that you are using. Give the event a title, such as “My Expedia Trip,” and set the date and time of your trip.

Step 5: Paste the Trip Details

Now it’s time to paste the trip details that you copied earlier. Click on the event that you just created and find the section that allows you to add notes or descriptions. Paste the trip details into this section by right-clicking and selecting “Paste” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + V” (Windows) or “Command + V” (Mac).

Step 6: Save the Event

Once you have added the trip details, save the event. You should now see all the details of your Expedia trip in your calendar. You can also set reminders and notifications for this event to ensure that you don’t forget your travel plans.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I add my Expedia trip to any calendar app?

A: Yes, you can add your Expedia trip to any calendar app that you prefer, as long as it allows you to create new events and add descriptions or notes.

Q: Can I edit the trip details after I have added them to my calendar?

A: Yes, you can edit the trip details at any time by clicking on the event in your calendar and making the necessary changes. You can also delete the event if you need to cancel your trip.


Adding your Expedia trip to your calendar is a simple process that can help you keep track of your travel plans and ensure that you don’t miss your flights. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add your trip to any calendar app of your choice. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Expedia’s customer support team.

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