How To Clear Iphone Calendar Spam 2024

How To Delete Calendar Virus, Spam Events From IPhone
How To Delete Calendar Virus, Spam Events From IPhone from


If you are an iPhone user, you might have noticed that sometimes your calendar app gets filled with spam invitations. These spam invitations can be annoying and can clutter your calendar. In this article, we will discuss how to clear iPhone calendar spam in 2024.

What is iPhone Calendar Spam?

iPhone calendar spam is a type of spam that appears on your iPhone’s calendar app. This spam usually comes in the form of an invitation to an event or a meeting. The spammer sends the invitation to a large number of people in the hope that some of them will accept the invitation.

Why is iPhone Calendar Spam a Problem?

iPhone calendar spam can be a problem for several reasons. First, it can clutter your calendar and make it difficult to find important events. Second, it can be annoying to receive constant notifications for events that you did not accept. Finally, some spam invitations may contain links to malicious websites or phishing scams.

How to Clear iPhone Calendar Spam

There are several ways to clear iPhone calendar spam.

Method 1: Decline the Invitation

The first method to clear iPhone calendar spam is to decline the invitation. To do this, open the invitation in your calendar app and tap “Decline.” This will remove the event from your calendar and send a message to the sender that you will not attend the event.

Method 2: Report the Spam

If you receive a lot of calendar spam, you can report it to Apple. To do this, go to the Calendar app, tap “Edit,” and then tap “Report Junk.” This will send a message to Apple, and they will investigate the spam.

Method 3: Block the Sender

Another way to clear iPhone calendar spam is to block the sender. To do this, open the invitation in your calendar app and tap “Report Junk.” Then, tap “Block Sender” to prevent future invitations from that sender.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I prevent iPhone calendar spam?

A: Yes, you can prevent iPhone calendar spam by adjusting your calendar settings. Go to “Settings,” then “Calendar,” and then turn off the “Events Found in Mail” option. This will prevent invitations from being automatically added to your calendar.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally accept a spam invitation?

A: If you accidentally accept a spam invitation, you can remove it from your calendar by tapping on the event, then tapping “Delete Event.” This will remove the event from your calendar.


iPhone calendar spam can be annoying, but there are several ways to clear it. You can decline the invitation, report the spam, or block the sender. Additionally, you can prevent future calendar spam by adjusting your calendar settings. By following these steps, you can keep your calendar organized and free from unwanted spam.

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