How To View Someone Else's Google Calendar 2024

2024 Calendar
2024 Calendar from


Google Calendar is an essential tool for scheduling and organizing events, meetings, and appointments. But have you ever needed to view someone else’s calendar to coordinate schedules or plan an event? It’s possible to do so with Google Calendar, and in this article, we’ll show you how to view someone else’s calendar with step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Get Access to the Calendar

The first step is to request access to the person’s calendar. To do this, you need to send an email to the person asking for permission to view their calendar. Once they give you access, you will be able to view their calendar.


What should I include in my email request?


In your email request, include your name, your reason for needing access to their calendar, and the specific dates or events you need to view.

Step 2: Add the Calendar to Your Own

Once you have access to the person’s calendar, you need to add it to your own Google Calendar. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Calendar on your computer.
  2. On the left side of the screen, click the “+” button next to “Other calendars.”
  3. Select “From URL.”
  4. Paste the person’s calendar URL into the field.
  5. Click “Add calendar.”


Where can I find the person’s calendar URL?


The person can provide you with their calendar URL by going to “Settings and sharing” in their Google Calendar and selecting “Integrate calendar.”

Step 3: View the Calendar

Now that you have added the person’s calendar to your own, you can view it alongside your own calendar. Simply click on the person’s calendar in the “Other calendars” section on the left side of the screen to view their events.


Can the person whose calendar I’m viewing see my events?


No, the person cannot see your events unless you have specifically shared them with them.

Step 4: Adjust the Visibility of the Calendar

If you need to adjust the visibility of the person’s calendar, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Click on the person’s calendar in the “Other calendars” section on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select the three dots next to the calendar name.
  3. Select “Settings and sharing.”
  4. Adjust the visibility settings as needed.


What visibility settings can I adjust?


You can adjust the visibility settings to make the person’s calendar either private, public, or shareable with specific people.

Step 5: Remove the Calendar

If you no longer need to view the person’s calendar, you can remove it from your own by following these steps:

  1. Click on the person’s calendar in the “Other calendars” section on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select the three dots next to the calendar name.
  3. Select “Remove calendar.”


Will removing the calendar from my own calendar also remove my access to the person’s calendar?


No, removing the calendar from your own calendar will only remove it from your view. You will still have access to the person’s calendar if they have not revoked your access.


Viewing someone else’s Google Calendar can be a useful tool for coordinating schedules and planning events. With these simple steps, you can easily view someone else’s calendar and adjust the visibility settings as needed. Just remember to always ask for permission before requesting access to someone else’s calendar.

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