Iphone Calendar Only Shows 2 Years 2024

How to Sync Calendars Between iPhone and iPad iMobie
How to Sync Calendars Between iPhone and iPad iMobie from www.imobie.com

The Problem

It’s the year 2023, and you’re trying to plan for an event in 2025 using your iPhone’s calendar app. However, when you try to scroll ahead to 2025, you notice that the calendar only goes up to 2024. What’s going on?

The Explanation

The reason your iPhone calendar only shows 2 years ahead in 2024 is due to a limitation in the app’s programming. By default, the iPhone’s calendar app is set to show events up to 2 years in advance and 1 year in the past. This means that in 2023, you can only see events up to 2024.

While this may be frustrating, it’s actually a deliberate design choice made by Apple to prevent the app from becoming cluttered and overwhelming with too many events. However, there is a way to change this setting and view events further into the future.

The Solution

To change the setting and view events further into the future, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Calendar.”
  3. Under the “General” section, tap on “Default Calendar.”
  4. Select the calendar you want to change the setting for (this may be the one you use most frequently).
  5. Scroll down to the “Sync” section and tap on “Sync.”
  6. From the options that appear, select “All Events.”
  7. Exit the settings app and open your calendar app.
  8. You should now be able to scroll further into the future and see events past 2024.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I change the setting to show more than 2 years in advance?

A: Yes, as described above, you can change the setting to show all events by selecting “All Events” under the “Sync” section in the settings app. This will allow you to view events further into the future than just the default 2 years.

Q: Will changing the setting affect the performance of my iPhone?

A: It shouldn’t have a significant impact on performance, but keep in mind that the more events you have synced to your calendar app, the more storage space they will take up on your device.

Q: Will this setting change affect all my calendars?

A: No, the setting change will only affect the default calendar that you have selected in the settings app. If you want to change the setting for other calendars, you will need to repeat the steps for each one.

Q: Why does Apple limit the calendar to only show 2 years in advance?

A: As mentioned earlier, it’s a design choice made by Apple to prevent the app from becoming cluttered and overwhelming with too many events. However, they do provide the option to change the setting if users want to view events further into the future.


If you’re trying to plan for events beyond 2024 using your iPhone’s calendar app, you may be frustrated to find that it only shows 2 years ahead. However, by changing the default setting, you can view events further into the future and plan accordingly. Just remember that the more events you have synced to your device, the more storage space they will take up.

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