Sda Calendar Of Events 2024

Events Calendar Details Maple Valley SDA
Events Calendar Details Maple Valley SDA from


The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination known for observing the Sabbath on Saturday. The church’s calendar is filled with events and activities that bring members together and strengthen their faith. In this article, we will be discussing the SDA calendar of events for the year 2024.

January – March

The year 2024 will start with a week-long prayer and fasting program in January. Members will gather in churches and homes to pray for God’s guidance and blessings for the new year. In February, there will be a youth retreat in the mountains where young people can connect with each other and learn more about their faith. In March, there will be a health fair where members can get free check-ups and learn more about healthy living.

April – June

April will be a busy month for the SDA church as it marks the celebration of Easter. Members will come together to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In May, there will be a women’s retreat where women can gather to share their experiences and learn more about their roles in the church. In June, there will be a summer camp for children where they can have fun and learn more about their faith.

July – September

July will be a month of evangelism as members will go out to preach the gospel and invite people to the church. In August, there will be a family camp where families can bond and learn more about their faith. In September, there will be a stewardship month where members will be encouraged to give back to their community and the church.

October – December

October will be a month of celebration as it marks the anniversary of the founding of the SDA church. Members will come together to celebrate and reflect on the church’s mission and vision. In November, there will be a thanksgiving service where members will give thanks for the blessings they have received throughout the year. In December, there will be a Christmas program where members will come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Question and Answer

Q: Are these events open to non-members?

A: Yes, most of these events are open to non-members. The SDA church welcomes everyone who wants to learn more about their faith and be a part of their community.

Q: Do I need to register for these events?

A: Yes, you will need to register for most of these events. Registration details will be announced closer to the event date. Check with your local SDA church for more information.

Q: How can I get involved in organizing these events?

A: You can get in touch with your local SDA church and express your interest in volunteering for these events. They are always looking for volunteers who are passionate about their faith and want to serve their community.


The SDA calendar of events for 2024 is filled with activities that promote faith, fellowship, and service. Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend and participate in these events. They provide a great opportunity to learn more about the SDA church and be a part of its community.

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