Shared Calendar In Office 365 2024

Create a company Shared Calendar in Office 365 Quadrotech
Create a company Shared Calendar in Office 365 Quadrotech from

Shared Calendar in Office 365 2024


Office 365 is a popular cloud-based productivity suite that offers a range of tools to businesses and individuals. One of the most useful features of Office 365 is the shared calendar, which allows multiple users to view and edit a single calendar. This feature is especially helpful for teams who need to coordinate their schedules and ensure everyone is on the same page.

What is a shared calendar?

A shared calendar is a calendar that can be viewed and edited by multiple users. In Office 365, users can create a shared calendar and invite others to view and edit it. This is a useful feature for teams who need to coordinate their schedules, as everyone can see the same information and make updates in real-time.

How to create a shared calendar in Office 365

To create a shared calendar in Office 365, follow these steps:

  1. Open your calendar in Outlook.
  2. Click on “New Calendar” in the “My Calendars” section.
  3. Give your new calendar a name and select the color you want it to be.
  4. Click on “Share” in the top navigation bar.
  5. Select the users you want to share your calendar with and choose their level of access (view only or view and edit).
  6. Click “Send” to share your calendar.

Benefits of using a shared calendar

There are many benefits to using a shared calendar in Office 365:

  • Improved coordination: Teams can coordinate their schedules more easily when they have access to a shared calendar.
  • Real-time updates: Everyone can see updates to the calendar in real-time, reducing the risk of miscommunication or missed deadlines.
  • Increased productivity: With a shared calendar, teams can avoid scheduling conflicts and make the most of their time.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I share my calendar with people outside of my organization?

A: Yes, you can share your calendar with people outside of your organization by adding their email address when you share your calendar. However, you should be careful about sharing sensitive information with people you don’t know or trust.

Q: Can I control who can see and edit my shared calendar?

A: Yes, you can choose who you share your calendar with and control their level of access. You can give people view-only access or allow them to edit the calendar. You can also stop sharing your calendar at any time.

Q: Can I see who made changes to the shared calendar?

A: Yes, you can view the history of changes to the calendar and see who made each change. This can be useful for tracking changes and resolving any conflicts.

Q: Can I set reminders for events on the shared calendar?

A: Yes, you can set reminders for events on the shared calendar, just like you would for your own calendar. This can help ensure everyone is aware of upcoming events and deadlines.


A shared calendar in Office 365 can be a valuable tool for teams who need to coordinate their schedules and stay on top of deadlines. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a shared calendar and start reaping the benefits of improved coordination and productivity.

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