Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024

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Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024


The Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024 is one of the most anticipated calendars of the year. It features the team’s furry friends in various poses and outfits, and it’s a must-have for every fan of the Capitals. In this review, we will take a closer look at the calendar and see what makes it so special.

The Dogs

The stars of the calendar are, of course, the dogs. Each month features a different dog, and they all have their unique personalities and stories. There’s Max, a playful golden retriever who loves to fetch; Luna, a shy but lovable corgi who enjoys cuddles; and Rocky, a brave German shepherd who serves as a police dog.

Q: Are the dogs real?

A: Yes, all the dogs featured in the calendar are real. They belong to the players, staff, and fans of the Washington Capitals.

The Photos

The photos in the calendar are simply adorable. They are taken by professional photographers who know how to capture the dogs’ personalities and charm. Each photo is accompanied by a caption that tells a little bit about the dog and its story.

Q: Can I submit my dog’s photo for next year’s calendar?

A: Unfortunately, the submission period for next year’s calendar has already closed. But keep an eye out for announcements on the team’s website and social media pages for next year’s submission period.

The Cause

Aside from being a cute and fun calendar, the Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024 also supports a good cause. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of the calendar will be donated to local animal shelters and rescue organizations.

Q: How much of the proceeds will be donated?

A: The exact percentage has not been disclosed, but the Washington Capitals have committed to donating a portion of the proceeds to help animals in need.

The Verdict

If you’re a fan of the Washington Capitals or just a dog lover in general, the Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024 is a must-have. It’s cute, fun, and supports a good cause. Plus, who doesn’t love looking at adorable dog photos every month?

Q: Where can I buy the calendar?

A: The calendar is available for purchase on the Washington Capitals’ official website, as well as in select stores and online retailers.


The Washington Capitals Dog Calendar 2024 is a great addition to any dog lover’s collection. It’s a fun way to support a good cause and enjoy some adorable photos of the team’s furry friends. Get your copy today!

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